PA Lottery Hits Record $1.3 Billion in Profits

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PA Lottery Hits Record $1.3 Billion in Profits

In 2018-19, the Pennsylvania Lottery managed to sell a staggering 4.5 billion dollars in games, resulting in an all time profit of more than $1.14 billion for older Pennsylvanians. The prize money was a record-breaking $2.9 billion. Over the previous year, many people have scratched off on Pennsylvania Lottery tickets.

In 2020-21, the lottery announced record profits of $1.3 billion to go to programs that offer assistance with senior citizens.

On Monday, the Pennsylvania Lottery issued its yearly financial report. For the eleventh year in a row, the state’s rent rebate and property tax, free and reduced-fare transit, prescription aid, and other programs helped older Pennsylvanians. Last year, $1.13 billion was donated to these programs.

In a year when many senior Pennsylvanians needed assistance, lottery executive director Drew Svitko is pleased that funds continued to flow to organizations that assist them.

According to the lottery’s financial report, scratch-off ticket sales surpassed $3.7 billion, an increase of around $555 million (17 percent) over the previous year and a record set in 2019-20. Furthermore, sales of the already three-year-old online lottery games reached a new high of almost $887 million.

Other notable highlights include:

  • One of the report’s highlights is a $516 million Mega Millions ticket sold on May 21 in Bucks County.
  • Traditional (non-online) gaming awards surpassed $3.5 billion, a $612.4 million gain.
  • Traditional game participants won 97 $1 million or more winning tickets for 2020-21.
  • Tickets for Keno and Xpress Sports games sold for just about $55 million, a $1.2 million or 2% increase over the previous year.
  • Online game players got around $772.1 million in incentives, a $135 million increase over the previous fiscal year.
  • Lottery dealers got $329.1 million in sales commissions during the fiscal year, increasing $71.6 million.

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