Skill Games In PA Are Causing Issues Thanks to How They Are Taxed

Jordan Johnson
Skill Games In PA Are Causing Issues Thanks to How They Are Taxed

The ‘skill games’ found in various bars and convenience stores throughout Pennsylvania are causing a stirrup between law enforcement and the courts, making it one of the more scandalous Pennsylvania gambling news.

Skill games look very similar to your standard slot machine but require a certain level of skill, usually a minimal amount that most people can get the hang of, to get out of the random element of the game and avoid having to pay taxes.

Slot machines in Pennsylvania are currently subject to one of the highest taxation rates in the country, at a whopping 54%, whereas skill machines are not subject to the same tax regulations.

Law enforcement in the state had seized three machines from Luzerne County, PA, which the court ordered to be returned after finding that the machines were not, in fact, gambling devices.

Certain groups are worried that the machines contribute to gambling issues without providing any tax relief that benefits the state or jobs for residents. In addition, some operators are worried these games are a threat to the industry.

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